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Your Time

Most novel ideas come about through quiet thought and deep contemplation. They stem from a fascination with the outside world, but ultimately rest with a mind that puts the pieces together.

Inspiration and innovation share a distinct quality; rancor tills the soil, but the root only grows in stillness. Observe countless religious leaders and change makers in the world. They all partake in some form of meditation or reflective practice.

Two easy examples are Siddhartha underneath the Bodhi tree and Muhammad in the solitude of cave Hira. One became the Buddha and the second became the prophet of Islam; peace be upon them both.

Some change the entire paradigm of human thought, while others change an aspect of it. Most modern day CEOs have an introspective practice as well, utilizing the benefits to help in their success. Bill Gates is a great example, and so is Oprah Winfrey.

Silence is a gift that provides many boons; yet when unappreciated, solitude easily turns to loneliness. How you interact with this sacred space ultimately defines the color and tenor of the experience.

With the world forced to go into quarantine, many of us have been subjected to more silence than we are accustomed to. Our daily dynamic has shifted, and we have a lot more time with ourselves.

We are in the middle of a pandemic, so when people say don’t be too hard on yourself; I have to agree. Take care of what needs taking care of, but also be mindful that this is your life and this is your time.

Relax, read, play; and also use part of your day to serve your true purpose. If you haven’t quite discovered it, sit in stillness and think about what it might be. Sometimes you will come to it; other times you will create a space and it will come to you.

Results are for the universe to provide, but the effort and attempt are decidedly in our hands. What is something you have learned about yourself in March / April 2020? What new gift or insight have you developed in the silence?


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